Stretching, Tom Goom
From youtube video Title: "Should runners stretch?" Transcript: "hi it's tom here from running physio today i wanted to talk to you about stretching now still working with lots of runners a lot of them really focus on stretch stretch stretch as part of their routine and a lot of therapists actually still focus on stretching a lot as part of their treatments and and we know that actually sometimes this can make things worse uh in the lateral hip pain for example we know that when people stretch a lot it tends to just aggravate symptoms and it's one of several common mistakes we see in management of lateral hip pain and we talk about this a bit more in our webinar series that i've linked to in the details in the title here for you so i wanted this video to talk a bit more about stretching does it help performance in runners does it help muscle soreness from doms does it reduce injury risk so we're going to explore that over the course of this video and the...